Remember that one time when I didn't post for nearly two months? Yeah, sorry about that. In my defense, I was really busy. I am going to try to post more often during the summer.
In other news, I think I have to make a quick clarification. The books I write about on this blog have consisted entirely of books that I have read in my spare time. It does not include any of the material that I read for school, which is quite a lot. I'm not sure whether I'll write about that stuff later on or not, but so far I have decided not to. This is partially because I feel like it's cheating, since the rules of my 50 books challenge specifically states that books I read for school don't count. Another factor is that if I were to write about every single book that I read for school, it would be fairly simple to figure out where I go to school, and from there to figure out where I live etc., etc., it just gets creepy very quickly.
In other news, I think I have to make a quick clarification. The books I write about on this blog have consisted entirely of books that I have read in my spare time. It does not include any of the material that I read for school, which is quite a lot. I'm not sure whether I'll write about that stuff later on or not, but so far I have decided not to. This is partially because I feel like it's cheating, since the rules of my 50 books challenge specifically states that books I read for school don't count. Another factor is that if I were to write about every single book that I read for school, it would be fairly simple to figure out where I go to school, and from there to figure out where I live etc., etc., it just gets creepy very quickly.