Looking for a quick, fun read? Here are five short fantasy and science-fiction stories that you can find online.
"Clockwork Fairies" by Cat Rambo
This is a steampunk short story with an interesting premise. It combines elements of science-fiction and fantasy.
"Variations on an Apple" by Yoon Ha Lee
This re-telling of the judgment of Paris and the Trojan war has a striking writing style.
"16 September 1999: Interrogations" by Kate Matta
A 19-year-old girl breaks into the Metropolitan Museum of Art and tries to steal pistols. A series of interviews and police reports reveal why she did this. Given that "found footage" has become such a significant part of supernatural and horror cinema, it is interesting to see how it might work in literature.
"Those Who Watch" by Ruthanna Emrys
This eerie, Lovecraftian tale has the uncanny feel of the original stories, but updating it to a modern setting. If you love libraries, archives or old manuscripts then this story will be of particular interest to you.
"The Lizard Dance" by Gio Clairval and Jeff Vandermeer
I really enjoyed Jeff Vandermeer's Annihilation, and this story has some similarities, particularly with the seeming supernatural representation of nature.